GHCAC Parent Pack
Please contact your child's advocate at 870-391-2224 with any and all questions.
The Grandma's House CAC Guide explains all the ins and outs of our process and capabilities. It also explains what a CAC does and explains how we are NOT investigators, but are child friendly fact finders and advocates.
At Grandma's House we offer assessments for each child we see to see if they need Trauma Focused therapy. This form explains what exactly TF-CBT is and how it's different from the average therapy service.
This is the Crime Victims Reparations Form. It can be printed and filled out to help receive financial reimbursement for any costs paid out of pocket by you for your child that involves their current investigation.
This pamphlet focuses on Suicide prevention and includes a link to more resources and the number to the suicide prevention hotline.
A Caretakers Guide is a form from that explains child maltreatment and what the three different case results can be and what they each mean. It also explains how you can obtain a copy of your child's report.
VINE, also known as Victim Information & Services Everyday, can be used to keep up to date on Offender custody status and court event information.
If your child is 5 or younger, they qualify to participate in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program. This program requires your child's age and address for which they will receive a book a month until they turn six. This program is broken up by county.
Still want a little more info on Trauma Focused therapy? Check out this pamphlet.
GHCAC Privacy Practices
Here is your copy of our Mental Health - Informed Consent sheet
Think your child may need a little extra help? Here is a list of developmental screening resources.